Saturday, September 05, 2009

Drink Water to Loose Weight?

Did you know that by drinking around 16 ounces (2 eight ounce glasses) of water before breakfast every day could enable you to loose over 6 pounds a year? Nothing else is required.

Drinking water before a meal helps to curb your appetite. In a study with overweight and obese participants at Virginia Tech they found that the subjects that drank 2 glasses of water before their meal ate 75 calories less than those who didn’t drink the water. Some didn’t even realize they had eaten less.

If you add up these calories, 75 calories a day becomes 27,375 calories a year. And, 27,375 calories (3500 calories per pound) comes to just under 8 pounds. This is without dieting…just drinking that extra water. (Think if you drank 2 glasses of water before lunch or dinner instead?)

Why is this considered important? Well, research shows that small behavioral changes that don’t seem to be a big deal can actually translate into different eating behaviors.

Another small change can be to eat on a smaller plate. And leaving the chicken bones on your plate instead of having the waitress remove them is another.
These little tips have all been shown to unconsciously influence how much you eat. And, all take just about zero effort or willpower!

What other little things can you think of to change your eating habits that would be pertinent to your own lifestyle to help you consume fewer calories?

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